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Usually the hardest part in any creative process is the beginning, from where? How? And sometimes it turns into a monster big enough to discourage someone that used to have great hopes. In music, there are many similar questions, like what type of genre is my genre? Should I be alone or in a band? How much money will I spend in studios? All of these questions have simpler answers...

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It’s very hard to get into music without finding a link, something that attaches you sentimentally and technically as something to improve and use to express yourself. Unless learning how music works, this is reading, writing, and all of the structure of music, is just a hobby, there are always instruments, and or voice, but how do we know which in instrument is the one? Well it’s all about trying out...

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By Julia Kossuth As we've begun the spring semester and gotten back into the swing of music lessons post-break, I've noticed a few practicing habits--or lack thereof--that I want to address with my students. Here are a few of the tips I walk them through during their lesson or have as a handout for them. 1. Some of my students have a set time that they practice...

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