
Every instrument comes with a system of fingering to help the composer illustrate how the piece should be played. This goes beyond tempo markings and dynamics and tells the performer exactly which finger to use to play a note, what position the student should be in, and what string the note goes on. All of this affects the sound/tone of the note. Fingerings are important for...

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So, the school year is starting again, and it is a perfect time for we music teachers to remind students and parents of our goals for this upcoming year. To have another successful and artistic year with music lessons we need a bit of planning, forecasting and development to help guide us through. Ask your student about their home practice area and supplies.  What do they...

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My internet research indicates that you have a whopping 20% chance of sticking to your New Year’s resolutions this year.  That’s kind of depressing.  So about 20% of us will be successful and sadly about 80% of us will fail in restarting or reenergizing our new, good habits.  After a month 50% of us will still be successful with our resolution goals.  As a music...

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Learning an instrument can be a daunting and sometimes overwhelming task once you have made the decision to do so. From buying a quality instrument to finding a qualified teacher many beginners can find themselves spinning in circles before getting any traction. The flood of information on the internet and other sources can at times only complicate things further. Here are a few things to...

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Summer SunJune is almost here, and if you’re like me, you’re excited about the warmer weather but also filled with a bit of dread…

Because the summer months mean that those nice, consistent checks rolling in at the first of each month for piano lessons begin to dwindle.  Students are busy traveling, enjoying time at home and outdoors, and they are ready for a break!