
As you probably know, Studio Helper wasn't working for a couple hours yesterday, and has also been a bit sluggish for the past few days. And we feel you deserve an explanation for this. The problem appears to have been caused by the database getting overloaded with requests. We had a record month last month for new signups and I guess we weren't as prepared for...

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money45121yI think the fall is probably an expensive time for most studio owners across the board as we prepare to head into another year of teaching…

Here’s what my business records show for this month:

Membership renewal in my national, state, and local teachers’ associations: $135

Ad in the local paper: $45

Ad in local parenting magazine: $100

New teaching materials for lessons: $50

Business license renewal: $25

                                                                                           You get the idea.

Studio Helper is continuing to improve each month, thanks to your valuable feedback. Here is a list of the updates we released in August, 2011. If you have ideas for how we can improve Studio Helper, please let us know on our Feedback page, or vote for ideas that have already been submitted. Thank you and have a great day! On the event categories...

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Keep Studio Traffic Flowing

One of the biggest challenges that any studio faces is keeping a steady flow of traffic coming through the door from week to week. Sure, on paper the schedule is full; but when you factor in illness, vacations, and extracurricular activities, often that schedule ends up with gaping holes in it.

I’ve been dealing with this issue in my studio since it first opened…up until a few months ago, when I implemented an easy fix. It’s such a simple solution that I’m almost embarrassed I didn’t think of it sooner.

Every Successful Business Has a Business Plan.

That being said, I have to admit that when I began my home piano studio, I did not write out a formal business plan or even a startup plan! I did, however, create professional documents such as a studio policy, studio brochure, business cards, tuition statements, and many other documents necessary for running my studio. I also had a lot of goals for my business but they were mostly in my head. In spite of not writing out a business plan, my business has flourished and I am now in my ninth years with a full studio and a waiting list. As I become more and more educated on the business end of things, I realize the need for a business plan. It’s never too late to write one. In fact, to insure that my business continues to be successful, it is absolutely essential.

Why Write a Business Plan?

Putting everything on paper is powerful. Similar to writing weekly assignments for our students and asking them to document their practice for the week, writing a business plan aids in solidifying goals and recognizing both strengths and weaknesses. The United States Small Business Administration stresses the importance of writing a business plan for the following reasons: to obtain outside funding and credit from suppliers, to manage operation and finances, to promote and market your business, and to achieve goals and objectives. A standard template for a business plan usually includes: