guitar Tag

Every instrument gives us a chance to make unique music, and it's in the hands of the aspiring musician to sort of lean towards a personality or identity behind it. In this case we'll be going over some tips and thoughts surrounding the guitar. As any other instrument, frst you have to learn the basics, this means getting used to pressing down the strings correctly, then...

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There is an idea that some musicians share that the instrument a musician plays is related to the player's personality and attitude, or can even change it transforming the person just like a superhero changes when they put ther suits on. It changes depending on the person but it can go one way or the other. The fact is that there is a connection between...

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By Jamey Mann, Catoctin School of Music Every instrument comes with its own set of fingerings and other notations. These unique notations go beyond notes on the staff and other common notations. These fingerings communicate to the performer exactly how the composer wants the music or study to be performed. If the performer is unaware of these notations, they could be missing the whole idea of...

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There are many new young musicians this time of year, probably because their parents got their children a new guitar, they are filled with excitement and wish to be the best right away, if you know someone, or have children that are desperate to be profesional musicians this tips are for you. Fingers on Strings It may be a siple thing, but in the beginning, no one...

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It’s very hard to get into music without finding a link, something that attaches you sentimentally and technically as something to improve and use to express yourself. Unless learning how music works, this is reading, writing, and all of the structure of music, is just a hobby, there are always instruments, and or voice, but how do we know which in instrument is the one? Well it’s all about trying out...

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