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What do we know by pop music? Popular music has changed over time, as all things there are trends, and people’s common interest change. One day Liszt is known by everyone and loved by everyone and the other few people know him while they listen to Bruno Mars and Kanye West. First of all, there is actually some differences between pop music and popular music. Popular music...

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Classical music education is the most traditional form of musical education, however these days there are two ways to go with that kind of knowledge, the first is to stay true to its roots and perform as they would a few decades ago, the second way to go is to take all of that knowledge and bring it to 2019, where electronic music, computers, remixes...

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These days, a lot of the entertainment industry is all about movies, TV shows, video games and in between, commercials, ads and much more. The truth is that while the visual side of all these forms of art is essential, what would it all be without music? There is a different approach to music when the final product has to be in sync with the...

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It's always healthy to feel like there is some competition in every discipline, this includes music. These "competitions" however, are not exclusively with another person, it also involves ourselves and surpassing our past selves. This kind of motivation is sometimes thought to be unhealthy or unnecessary, but the truth is that it can be fuel for motivation. The thing is not to make it something bigger...

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It’s common sense that music is something that is heard, listened, it goes through our ears, we are able to register sound and that way we can experience music, however there is a very important visual part of music, some are also a part of common sense or logic, others form part of aspects that aren’t very explored and could bring a lot to what...

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