music Tag

Hi everyone, We are all in the midst of a challenging season of life right now. With COVID-19 spreading across the globe, each of us have had to adjust to a new, temporary reality of mandated home sheltering, limits on supplies from grocery stores, and social distancing from friends and family. But, through all of that there has been one consistent factor all over the world that hasn’t changed - Music....

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One thing is the origin of a specific genre of music and another is its crowd or audience, which have the big cultural repercussions on their hands, as it happened with rock. There is a need to make this particular difference because there are indeed too many genres of music to remember, there are so many ramifications and small variants at this point that many people...

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While it's getting more common to use the internet as a way to connect with students in many areas, it can still be a bit strange for teachers that are not used to doing online sessions, even more so if it's a music lesson, due to the fact that there is a lot of techniques and sounds to deal with. There are a few things to...

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