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When teaching, there is an obvious difference of students and teacher, and it defines the space in which each of them operates, this is, a predominance of speaker on the teacher's side, and a predominance of listeners on the student's side, but what to do when this dynamic changes, and what is the difference on it being caused by a good thing or a bad...

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Every instrument comes with a system of fingering to help the composer illustrate how the piece should be played. This goes beyond tempo markings and dynamics and tells the performer exactly which finger to use to play a note, what position the student should be in, and what string the note goes on. All of this affects the sound/tone of the note. Fingerings are important for...

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There comes a point in every students’ learning when practice becomes arduous and stale. This can happen to any student at any age or skill level. Often hectic work or school schedules leave little time for practice making it feel like a chore, or students plateau at times and feel as if they are not making progress. The plateau often happens at the intersect of...

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I teach my students the rudiments of music and the techniques necessary to master their instrument, but also try give them preparation on how to be successful in life. Three valuable lessons I’ve learned from music teachers, coaches, and family are to show up, show up early, and show up prepared. I believe that these edicts are important to pass on to any young person...

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As the holiday season arrives, I find students are seizing extra opportunities to perform live – sometimes for the first time. Often, the last lesson preceding their event is spent discussing the finer points of stage presence, and its ability to boost a performance. Inexperienced performers are often overwhelmed by nerves leading up to and during a gig. Shaking hands, knees, racing heart, difficulty breathing:...

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