teaching Tag

There are many ways to share the love for music, some choose to see it as hobby, others as a full time job, but there are cases in a musician's life where they live to practice various ways to live from music, and it's interesting to see how someone as a teacher goes from cultivating young minds to becoming legends in the history of music. While...

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When teaching, there is an obvious difference of students and teacher, and it defines the space in which each of them operates, this is, a predominance of speaker on the teacher's side, and a predominance of listeners on the student's side, but what to do when this dynamic changes, and what is the difference on it being caused by a good thing or a bad...

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There is a big difference between teaching children and teaching adults, this changes the dynamic of the class whether  it is online or in person. There is a reason why some people prefer to work with children and why others prefer to have a more mature class, and it's because the experience is almost completely different. It could be very helpful to think about these...

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If you are interested or involved in music in any way, chances are you've had to deal with others, whether it's composing or just playing, teamwork is a very important part of music, even more so when many young musicians want to start bands and make great music together. This part of music is almost essential to learn how to play and facilitate a way...

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There was a time when musicians filled this role, and it offered a certain stability and status, with time this has become more complex, one of this complexities come from a series of cultural movements and events which defined the way some people express themselves, but also disturbed the status as specialists in the giant machine....

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