
By Alyssa Cowell We’ve all seen the reality TV shows – adoring fans cheering as their favorite contestant swaggers across the stage belting out the latest top-of-the-pop chart tune; poised, polished, trendy and undeniably cool. This sort of programming has captured the attention of audiences worldwide, and spawned a generation of young singers clamoring for their chance to make it big at next season’s auditions. Unfortunately, reality...

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by Meridith Johnson Though the temperatures here in Dallas, Texas have screamed summer! for several weeks now, it’s hard to believe that it still is not officially summer yet!  Some of our students have been on summer break now for a couple weeks, while the remainder of public schools wrapped up yesterday.  Our official summer calendar for Studios of Sarah Strout begins next week, and with...

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iphoneI have long wanted to purchase recording equipment for my studio, but it has always been cost prohibitive. I have recently realized that I don’t need fancy recording equipment for some of the things that I’ve been hoping to do with my students.

I may be the last person in this country to purchase a smart phone, but a few months ago I took the plunge and bought an iPhone. The built-in video camera in the phone makes it easy for me to use a bit of recording as a teaching tool for my students.

pianopracticeIn my years of experience as a piano teacher, I can honestly say that the most challenging part of the recital isn’t the recital itself — it’s the preparation for it. Getting students to practice efficiently and well in preparation for a recital can seriously do me in. Here’s a few things I include as part of my students’ preparation for an upcoming performance:

-Technique: I try to include technique exercises that will enhance their recital piece. If a student is learning a sonatina filled with scales and trills, her warm-up exercises each week will emphasize building strength to play these scales and trills quickly, accurately, clearly and confidently.