music Tag

By Julia Kossuth Although I give mainly elementary school kids piano lessons, I'm always excited when an adult student would like to start piano lessons. Whether they are brand new to playing or rusty after years away from the piano, working with an adult is so much fun and adds nice variety to any studio. Because our adults are busy and often can't commit to a lesson...

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By Julia Kossuth In our studio, we consistently get students who either need an instrument, or would like to upgrade their instrument, so I thought I'd talk a little about what guidelines we give our students for their search. When a beginning piano student is looking for an instrument, we will often tell them that any keyboard they already have is fine to start out with, however,...

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By Julia Kossuth Well, we are officially into a brief summer break before we start summer lessons here at the Studios of Sarah Strout! And, of course, the even that finished our school year was our end of year recital and awards ceremony. As our studio has grown, this has created the need to revamp our recital structure. In the past, we've held one recital, or one...

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Studio PartnershipA couple months ago, I wrote about the fact that my studio has outgrown its current space. My partner and I have been searching for the perfect location for a while now, and recently hit the jackpot.

Over the years we have cultivated our relationship with a local music store: we’ve sent our students there to purchase music, equipment and instruments, we’ve shopped there ourselves, and we have become friendly with the managers and employees. When I was in buying piano books this winter, I happened to mention that we were looking for a new studio space…and I’m so glad I did.

In a recent post, The Masterclass: Then and Now, I discussed the purpose and importance of a Masterclass. Masterclasses are an integral part of my studio and I usually hold two or three per studio year. I enjoy the benefits of having my teaching validated by another colleague and it is so helpful for students to hear the some of the same ideas reinforced...

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