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In every form of art there is competition, or a need to prove something to the world, and maybe for some this is achieved by winning awards, going as far as to say winning a Grammy. But is this really that important? does it meassure how good an artist is or how popular? and how much has the standards for winning awards has have changed...

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As musicians we are always amazed by the possibilities of merging different influences and finding new inspirations to develop different and fresh sounds. A good example of this result of making something new by mixing different genres is city pop. City pop is a genre of music that originated in Japan around the 70s and became wildly popular around the 80s Late 70s Japan In order to understand...

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There are many ways a musician can find jobs whether it's playing, teaching or creating new music. However there is a job where every single musician could easily find a task suitable for those skills. The freelance world is very varied and there are so many ways to interact and find work, for a musician this fact stays the same because not only are there...

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Wittgenstein is mostly known for his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and his works on philosophy of language such as the Brown and Blue book, made even more interesting by the fact that he made a shift from his analitical side to a more contextual and flexible side. In the begining he was a part of the logical positivism, along with his teacher Bertrand Russell who described Wittgenstein...

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